Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"The End"

Nine- 35 pm, day 30, finished. One-hundred and twenty-five pages, 50,000 words. A novel that ends with a shameless cliff-hanger. At least this draft. And it was a fun run for the summer. So, how am I feeling? Like I got something done, like I've finished a task, that I was able to maintain first person narrative for the run of it, even if it is very existential. I didn't mean it to go that way but stories have away of going off on their own. This I learned. The best of the writing was when the words poured out as fast as I could type (thank heavens I didn't stop to make corrections). Scenes came, dialogue came, characters were real, even the minor ones, except for a homeless bum who will be written out of it. I don't know how to qualify it except as a sci-fi, conspiratorial thriller. Or an existential exploration of identity. Or a romance. Or betrayal. It's got it all except some kind of structure. That comes next. Any suggestions? I've a few ideas on my own but I'm more than open . Maybe the next time we gather I could read a few sections. Now I drink a glass of wine in celebration. I'd like to shout it out from the roof-tops "finished" but who would listen? You would, I know and I thank you for that along with all the moral support.
The next official NANOWRIMO begins on November 1. Depending on the schedule I may be game again. This was so damn fun. Not Pulitzer material. Maybe paperback. Too bad tacky pulps aren't being published any more. But it's written and I celebrate. I know I'm bragging abou this and if I've bored you, stop reading. If I've bored you, you probably have stopped by now. Tomorrow I take the day off. A complete day off. I give myself one every five or six years and I'm due for one. Again, thanks.


  1. Congratulations on finishing the novel. I have one that is so close, but I can't get it done, yet. Other writing keeps insinuating itself, you know.

    I just posted my first blog since March. Check it out.

    By the way, congrats on the publication of your short story.

  2. Many Congratulations!!! I would love to sit through a reading of a chapter or two. Perhaps we can arrange another meeting before the summer is over??
