Friday, December 4, 2009

Short on words

I've run out of words and more words are needed. The garden is frozen over and no more are sprouting. I want my words to be like the zucchini, an overabundance; words that must be plucked early before they grow to sesquipedalian proportions. But now, with the hard freeze even the daughty kale has given up to lie limp in frosted decline. I need spring to come in the next two days or I shall be forced to use hot-house words--tasteless, bland, only suitable for packaging.

1 comment:

  1. Use those words, "tastless, bland, only suitable for packaging."

    They lead to other words use suitably in blogs . . . words like "sesquipedalian proportions"!

    Nice tweaking of the latin into a lovelingly-gounded American English toy.
