Sunday, November 29, 2009

Non-turkey Moments

As I was attempting at a catchy title I was going to put something in about turkey, about the turkey event being done and gone, that the leftovers have been eaten, that the carcass soup has been frozen for a future date when it will be discovered, thawed and finally thrown out, but then I changed my mind and decided not to write about turkeys at all. Why should I? They're stupid birds anyway and I've spent too many years with stupid birds, being raised on a chicken farm--hens for the eggs. Chickens are dull creatures. Tuck the head under the wing and they will go to sleep. Or so my father always said. We never tested the thesis despite the numbers of birds at hand. Perhaps we didn't care, or perhaps we took what Dad said on faith, trusting in his truth about chickens. Regardless, the break is over and tomorrow returns to the schedule that is familiar, although that too is coming to an end. Such is life in the academy. The changes of the semester bring changes in schedules. Not great life changes but little ones. Small ones that affect the lives of others. A ripple. Or all by chance and randomness.

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