Saturday, November 14, 2009

Not all is gold

Not all that comes out of the pen (or the keyboard) is gold. I've discovered that while working through the novel and discovered a scened that doesn't work. When I first wrote it, under whatever inspiration, I beleived in it, but now, I have serious doubts. Elements of it will be used later on, but not at the current development of the character. She hasn't matured enough to be doing what I had her doing. Perhaps, I'm learning how to write. Taken long enough to get here. It's too easly to slip into maudlinisms. The good point is that I have been able to see it , and to work to contain it.


  1. Learning how to write, as you well known, is an ongoing process for every writer. One never arrives.

    Glad to hear that you are working on the novel again.

  2. Ugh, I hate finding characters I've done that to. I realized I jumped the gun on a character of mine right in the first chapter of a 13 chapter book. Some major rewrite. It will take me a year for this re-vision. It best be worth it when I get done: to print to print to print.
