Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Tuesday, named for the Norse goddess Tew, who did who knows what. We good Nordic-Teutonics don't know our old gods anymore except in remnant names. Thor has a hammer in his hand, like John Henry, who we know by having a catchy song--no song, no memory. Thor didn't get a song, at least in English. Perhaps the Swedish children grow up singing songs of Odin, Thor, Loki, and the rest. Sort of a Swedish childhood of Wagnernian proportions. It's easy to imagine when far away in time and space, even though time and space may simply be constructs to make sense of the senseless. A lot like writing. Why do we write? Why do I write? Because I have words and a love of words with words making sense, if not sense then micro-electrical synapse between brain cells. Crossing the cortex of imagination. I've now reduced us all to electricity which is a transposition of subatomic particles which are ruled more by chaos than design (at least that is what the collider in Switzerland hopes to teach us). Then I am a bundle of sub-atomic parts piled atop the other. A rather handsome pile in my own way.

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