Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Flood and the Algorithmic Ark, Part II

This is a continuation of the previous blog.

The second letter of the password.  I am that much closer to being dissolved, that much closer to annihilation that comes with the absorption of more data, more information than I could possibly use. Data about international and local politics, or about wars in distant countries that I can do nothing about. Why do I follow the news when I can make no difference? I write no policy. I am utterly powerless to do anything. I am like a father standing by the hospital bed of a dying daughter, unable to do anything except feel the powerlessness that drains hope. The knees crumple to prayer that God would make a special case from among the millions of dying children in the world and stop natural progression, turning death's hand from this child.

I cry for peace. Kyrie, kyrie eleison. Send peace, O Lord. Peace in our time, please send us. Amen

1 comment:

  1. "Send peace, O Lord. Peace in our time, please send us."

    Stunning. Simply Stunning.
