Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Flood and the Algorithmic Ark, the Fifth and Final Character

The fifth character. I remembered the term this time. Welcome to the theater. The characters are all in their places, waiting for you to arrive and the play to begin. You are the sole audience—a command performance. Don’t you feel as regal as the queen? You command the players at your will, tell them what to do and they will do it, but please be aware that they are the ones manipulating you. They are massaging your will and you are utterly unaware.  They are the power behind the throne that comes through the cable set in the floor. The cable we eagerly plug ourselves into, thinking, believing with the fervor of a fanatic, that it is benevolent and loving. All is set and the flood’s about to begin. No worries, we are assured, the Algorithmic Ark will carry us onward into the all absorbing Ethernet Nirvana.

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