Saturday, July 25, 2009


I've used up my cushion of words. I went off on vacation and didn't write more than a page or so, and that hand-written. Should I have brought the typewriter and disturbed the entire campground? Should I have been more disciplined with my time? Should I stop "shoulding" all over myself? Probably. August 6th has not yet passed. My class gets its final on Tuesday. I'll have some time to write. I know the routine: set the coffee maker on auto, get up at 6, stumble to the studio, tie seat to chair, put words on page. That's all it is. words on page without worrying about quality. I think I can do this. It's ten days or so. Much can be accomplished when the deadline is at had. Hell, I used to put together a 52 page tabloid sized weekly with a staff of four. More importantly, I've had support from those reading this. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Truly.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you meet your deadline. You probably will; deadlines have a strange power over writers.
