Monday, June 29, 2009

A new mileu

Okay. I'll try to write dead-pan humor. Like I tried to do once about gummi theology. Or the comment I gave to Jess a moment ago. Humor is good as long as it has a bite to it. Slapstick is painful and can't be delivered over the internet. You would have to slap yourself and then fall down on your own banana peel. No surprise there, and why would you want to. I could comment on the world around me that doesn't make any sense at all, as if no one was paying attention to what is going on. Like where do women get nylon quilted jackets that are grey in color and fit too tight and are only worn by people who look like they have used up their lives? I never see those coats in any regular store. Are there special stores that I don't know about? I realize I seldom go into a woman's clothing store. I'll walk all the way around in Target so I don't have to look. Maybe it's because of a bad memory of having to sit quietly and watch my mother try on dresses at a really nice department store. Or that my sixteen year old son alwasy points out the bra and panty sets that I hope the girlfriend he doesn't have never buys and wears, at least with him knowing about it. Quilted nylon with snagged stitches aren't found there. Where are they?
I tried to write humor and I think it flopped. Like telling a joke from the pulpit. Tried it once and the listeners were too polite to laugh, but then they were trained Lutherans.

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